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ITIL V4 Foundation Certification – Part-13

Preparing for ITIL V4 certification , here are some sample ITIL V4 question & answers which will help you in your preparation. ITIL exam paper ,ITIL Dumps.

Hello All,

Hope this post finds you in good health and spirit.

Question #111
Which describes a CORRECT approach to change authorization?
A. Changes included in the change schedule are pre-authorized and do not need additional authorization
B. Normal changes should be assessed and authorized before they are deployed
C. Emergency changes should be authorized by as many people as possible to reduce risk
D. Normal changes are typically implemented as service requests and authorized by the service desk

Correct Answer: B

Question #112
Which statement about service requests is CORRECT?
A. Complex service requests should be dealt with as normal changes
B. Service requests that require simple workflows should be dealt with as incidents
C. Service requests require workflows that should use manual procedures and avoid automation
D. Service requests are usually formalized using standard procedures for initiation, approval and fulfilment

Correct Answer: D

Question #113
Identify the missing word(s) in the following sentence:
The service desk should be the entry point and single point of contact for the [?] with all of its users.
A. Service consumer
B. Service provider
C. Customer
D. Supplier

Correct Answer: B

Question #114
Which statement about outcomes is CORRECT?
A. They are deliverables provided to service consumers
B. They allow service consumers to achieve a desired result
C. They provide products to service providers based on outputs
D. They co-create value for service providers by reducing costs and risks

Correct Answer: B

Question #115
In service relationships, what is a benefit of identifying consumer roles?
A. It enables effective stakeholder management
B. It provides shared service expectations
C. It removes constraints from the customer
D. It enables a common definition of value

Correct Answer: A

Question #155
What is the purpose of the ‘monitoring and event management’ practice?
A. To restore normal service operation as quickly as possible
B. To manage workarounds and known errors
C. To capture demand for incident resolution and service requests
D. To systematically observe services and service components

Correct Answer: D

Question #116
Which practice would help a user gain access to an application that they need to use?
A. Service configuration management
B. Change enablement
C. Service request management Most Voted
D. Service level management
Correct Answer: C

Question #117
What is the MOST important reason for prioritizing incidents?
A. To ensure that user expectations are realistic
B. To ensure that incidents with highest impact are resolved first
C. To help information-sharing and learning
D. To provide links to related changes and known errors

Correct Answer: B

Question #118
Which guiding principle considers which parts of an existing process should be kept by identifying how they contribute to value creation?
A. Progress iteratively with feedback
B. Collaborate and promote visibility
C. Think and work holistically
D. Keep it simple and practical

Correct Answer: D

Question #119
Which describes the utility of a service?
A. A service that is fit for use
B. A service that meets its service level targets
C. A service that increases constraints on the consumer
D. A service that supports the performance of the consumer

Correct Answer: D

Question #120
What is recommended by the guiding principle ‘progress iteratively with feedback’?
A. A current state assessment that is carried out at the start of an improvement initiative
B. The identification of all interested parts at the start of an improvement initiative
C. An improvement initiative that is broken into a number of manageable sections
D. An assessment of how all the parts of an organization will affect an improvement initiative

Correct Answer: C

So, that’s all in this blog. I will meet you soon with next stuff .Have a nice day !!!

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