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5 Easy Internet Troubleshooting Methods That You Should Keep Handy


Internet issues can occur anytime. However, keeping your cool at such times is important because only then you can troubleshoot the situation and resolve it timely. But, assessing the situation and then implementing the solution can take time.

That is why we’re here to share insights on some easy internet troubleshooting methods that you can keep handy for such situations. Using these, you should be able to resolve internet issues without any hassle.

For this article, we’ll be looking at the potential causes of internet problems, problem identification, and solution implementation phases. It’ll make it easier for you to understand what and how a problem occurs, and how to resolve it. Let’s check it out now:

1. High Bandwidth Usage

Bandwidth defines as the amount of data transferred over the internet. The greater the bandwidth, the more data you can transfer. However, if you’re transferring too much data, then it can result in network choking.

Choking occurs when your network is congested and there’s not ample space for the data packets to travel through the medium. Also, the transfer medium/ connection medium matters too. Providers like Xfinity offer fiber internet, which allows more bandwidth than ordinary DSL or satellite internet.

But if you’re constantly using high bandwidth, you can face choking and limited internet access. For this, ensure that only the devices using the internet are connected to it, and disconnect unnecessary devices.

In addition, secure your internet password so that only you’re using it and not anyone else, consuming data and bandwidth. You can also reboot your internet router to re-send data packets over the connection in a streamlined manner.

2. Poor Physical Connectivity

One of the common causes of internet disruption is poor physical connection. Damaged cables, disconnected connectors, faulty equipment ports, etc. can cause internet disconnection. A damaged cable causes a reduction in data packet flow.

As a result, even if you have your internet connected, you’ll face reduced slow and high latency. Not only this, but also this disconnection can even occur at your provider’s end. For knowing this, you should connect with the customer services of your provider.

Apart from this, you should make sure that your internet router is working properly and that all cables are connected (ensure that any connector isn’t loose). Again, you’ll have to contact support if you don’t find any issue at your end.

3. Faulty Hardware

A faulty hardware or internet equipment can cause your internet to act strange or not work at all. For starters, an outdated internet router will not only slow down data transfer but can cause security breaches due to poor and outdated security protocols.

In addition, your device’s network drivers also need to be updated so that any loopholes are mitigated. If you’re using a router in a big space, then you may face coverage issues. For that, you’ll have to use a Wi-Fi extender or a power line adapter as required.

In case you’re connected to the internet via Ethernet cables, then a faulty, damaged, or broken cable can cause disconnection, something we’ve discussed earlier. You need to completely assess your equipment so that any damages are noted and nullified.

4. High CPU Utilization

In some cases, your CPU utilization also causes internet disruptions, causing disconnection. This happens when you’re sending too many data packets over the internet, which requires CPU memory and storage.

However, if unable to meet the demands due to maximum available utilization, your CPU also falls prey to choking. In other words, the heavier the network with the traffic, the greater the CPU utilization, which, failing to meet, results in network choking and failure.

That is why we’ve seen companies having big server rooms that are solely dedicated to running the entire network. Servers have high maintenance but last long unless a technical or maintenance issue occurs.

If you’re experiencing such an issue at home, then it’s possible your current CPU isn’t able to run the network efficiently. You’ll need an upgrade in terms of processing power, storage, and other specs.

5. DNS Problem

Another cause of internet issues is the DNS issue. Domain Name System or DNS is a distributed naming system that works as a mail carrier for the internet world. In simple words, it identifies your address, search query, and redirects it to its right destination.

The issue occurs when your DNS isn’t configured or the DNS server stops responding, which is a common issue. When you run a troubleshooter and it states ‘the DNS server isn’t configured / not responding’, it means that your request to reach the destination isn’t acknowledged.

Why? Because your source address isn’t identified, which indicates router mis-configuration. As a result, you’ll have to input the DNS server or ask your provider to configure it. As for the not responding issue, you’ll need to reboot your internet router and let it configure the DNS on its own.

Closing Thoughts

Well, there you have it! With these troubleshooting ways, you can run your internet smoothly. Again, if you’re running into troubles often, then you better get a good internet connection so that you can rest easy.

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Raghav Kamble

He is working on cyber-security and Active Directory technology for more than 7 years.If you guys need any further help on subject matters, feel free to contact me on Please subscribe our Facebook page as well website for latest article.

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