Event ID 4725-A user account was disabled
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Hope this post finds you in good health and spirit.
Event ID 4725-A user account was disabled
This event is generated when a user or computer object is disabled. This even us to find out Who Disabled a User Account in Active Directory.
On domain controllers, member servers, and workstations, this event is generated for user accounts.
This event only appears for computer accounts on domain controllers.

The name of the account that requested the “disable account” operation is provided in the Account Name [Type = UnicodeString] field.
Account Domain: The subject’s domain or computer name [Type = UnicodeString]. several formats, some of which are as follows:
Example of a domain name on NETBIOS: WindowsTechno
Full domain name in lowercase: windowstechno.local
Full domain name in capital letters: WINDOWSTECHNO.LOCAL
The value of this field is "NT AUTHORITY" for several well-known security concepts, such as LOCAL SERVICE or ANONYMOUS LOGON.
The name of the machine or device that this account belongs to will be included in this column for local user accounts, for instance: "Mohan.thakur."
Logon ID As an example, “4624: An account was successfully logged on” is a hexadecimal number that you can use to compare this event to more recent ones that could also have the same Logon ID.
Target Account:
Security ID [Type = SID]: SID for the disabled account. Automatically, Event Viewer tries to resolve SIDs and display the account name. You will see the source data in the event if the SID cannot be resolved.
Account Name [Type = UnicodeString]: This field contains the name of the disabled account.
Account Domain [Type = UnicodeString]: The domain or computer name of the target account. several formats, some of which are as follows:
Example of a domain name on NETBIOS: WINDOWSTECHNO
Full domain name in lowercase: windowstechno.local
Full domain name in capital letters: WINDOWSTECHNO.LOCAL
The name of the machine or device that this account belongs to will be included in this column for local user accounts, for instance: "Mohan.Thakur."
Recommendations for Security Monitoring
For 4725:- A user/computer account was disabled.
- Use the “Target AccountSecurity ID” that corresponds to the account to monitor all 4725 events if you have a high-value domain or local account that you need to keep track of every change for.
- You may monitor all 4725 events using the “Target AccountSecurity ID” that matches to any domain or local accounts that shouldn’t ever be disabled (such as service accounts).
- We advise keeping an eye on all 4725 events for local accounts because they often don’t change very often. Critical servers, administrative workstations, and other high-value assets are particularly affected by this.
So, that’s all in this blog. I will meet you soon with some other stuff. Have a nice day !!!
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